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RAM Upgrade old Sony laptop

RAM Upgrade old Sony laptop


Ok, I have a third old Sony laptop VGN-A397XP originally shipped with 512MB of RAM and since the purchase I had already upgraded the RAM to 1.5GB by adding a module of 1GB under the laptop.

Since the mainboard, according to Sony, supports dual-channel mode I already ordered another 1 GB of RAM which I will receive next week.

My problem is that the second module of 512MB, which I intend to replace with 1 GB, is located underneath the keyboard. (This laptop supports a max of 2GB or DDR2 RAM).

My questions:

1) According to the manual  all is needed is a slight pressure to lift the keyboard, but it doesn't mention if I should press the keystrokes in 3 locations in front of the keyboard so it can be unclipped or if I should press or elevate the 3 clips in order to release the keyboard? Please advice...

2) Do I need to enter the BIOS and activate dual channel mode or this will happen automatically?

     How should I check for this?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Message was edited by: Fender67

Message was edited by: Fender67

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