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Connecting my two Vaios


Connecting my two Vaios

How can I create an i.LINK connection between my VAIO with Windows XP Home Editon and my

second VAIO with Windows XP Professional Editon preinstalled? I have tried all the help

instructions without success. I already have been unsuccessfully through solutions AOO586,

AOO468. Can you please give me detailed instructions.

Many thanks, Daniel Munevar.


Very easily, I had no problem creating a firewire connection between my PC's (yes, iLink is Firewire)
Just connect the cables, then go on Network connections and enable the IEE1394 connections, you computers should then be able to share all the network resources over that network connection, for more info on creating network recources, see the posts about wireless networking.



Okay I had a little trouble using i-link (firewire) between my sony laptop (XP Home) and own build PC (XP Pro). However the process should be the same.

Firstly I connected the cables up, both showed it as connected at 400mbps. I then went to Start > Connect To... > Show All Connections, right click Properties on 1394 Connection then Properties on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). I set the laptop to use the settings:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
the rest left blank, and on the PC the same but the IP Click Ok.
Then on the Advanced tab Firewall Settings, I turned it to Off and turned off Internet Connection Sharing on both PC and Laptop.

I had to make sure no firewall software was running, including Norton Internet Security that was bundled with my Sony Vaio. I also manually disabled Windows XP firewall on both systems. This is done by going to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Scrolling to "Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)" then pressing Stop and setting the StartUp Type to Manual.

I also shared a Directory on each computer, enabling full access. I could access both laptop and PC easily then by typing \\\ for the laptop and \\\ for the PC in Internet Explorer.

Beaware that disabling firewalls can be a security risk, so therefore enable them after you have finished. I understand it as that if you have a firewall running while using i-link the connections are blocked. This is the only solution I have found that works all the time, but once it is set up its pretty easy to use. Hope you get it working, its a very fast network and you can transfer gigs in no time at all.


Why bother when you van use a CAT5 twisted pair between the two VAIOs?


lol cause its over 4 times faster, plus u can get the same problems with any network.

I needed to back up 40 gigs off my laptop to the PC, so found a quick way other than waiting ages for my normal 54G wireless network, or messing about writing loads of dvds on a 4x dvd writer.

Its a quick way to go, and brilliant for lan games as theres no ping. Thats if you want to be tied down, I prefer using my wireless though for that.

I also like using Windows Remote Desktop Connection with firewire as it doesn't seem to go lag like it does with my standard network.


Oh I see, sounds pretty practical.


Will, thank you so much for your help and patience in writing very clear instructions. I

have done exactly as per your directions and as you said it works beautifully. I hope some

time to do for you what you did for me, maybe not in the computers arena where I am just

learning but then maybe in the writers field. Thanks again, Daniel.
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:smileygrin: Thank you for your help. All the best, Daniel.